Monthly fees
Monthly fees
Monthly fees
One-to-one tuition
Details on request
There is also an annual licence fee of £27 (reduction available for 3 or more in a family). This gives you membership of the UK Taekwon-Do Association and registers you with the British Taekwondo Council, through whom you are insured.
NB: We don't tie you into a contract, you can stop payments at any time
NB: We don't tie you into a contract, you can stop payments at any time
Coloured belt gradings cost £20 which includes the belt. There are no hidden extras
Unlike some clubs, we don't insist you take part in competitions before you can grade. Nor do we insist you buy own-brand expensive sparring equipment.
Class Timetable
How to join
Unlike some clubs, we don't insist you take part in competitions before you can grade. Nor do we insist you buy own-brand expensive sparring equipment.
Class Timetable
How to join